Cannabis 101

What is Medical Cannabis?

‘Medical Cannabis’ is cannabis that has been recommended by a physician to treat specific ailments. It can be consumed in a wide variety of ways, giving patients choices and control over the method of delivery and the dosage of their medicine. Patients have the ability to utilize their medicine in various ways: topically (lotions, patches); orally (drops, tablets, elixirs); and via inhalation (concentrate extracts and flower).

Active Ingredients

Cannabinoids are the chemical compounds unique to the cannabis plant. Cannabinoids interact with the brain and body to elicit various effects.

THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol is the most widely found cannabinoid and is responsible for any intoxicating effect.

CBD or Cannabidiol is the second most found cannabinoid and is non-intoxicating. It is touted for its vast medicinal properties.

Terpenes are compounds that produce the smell and flavor of cannabis. They are not unique to the cannabis plant but have a synergistic effect in combination with cannabinoids, in regards to the variety and efficacy of the plant’s medicine.

Proper Dosing

Until you know how medical cannabis will affect you, start with a single serving or low-dose product. Then be patient. Everyone’s metabolism is different. Some people absorb or metabolize cannabis more quickly than others. As with traditional medicine, dosing is not a one size fits all answer.

Strain Basics

Indica: Typically used for stress relief, relaxation, sleep inducement and are ideal for reducing muscle spasms, pain and stiffness.

Sativa: Affects the mind more than the body. Best for anxiety and depression, improving mood, stimulating
appetite, and reducing nausea.

Hybrid: Result of cross-breeding Indica and Sativa strains, one can benefit from the attributes of each.

Consumption Methods

Topical: Infused in patches, balms, creams, and salves which can be applied directly to the skin.

Flower: Inhaled as smoke/vapor.

Edible/Ingestible: Infused in tinctures, tablets, gummies: Taken orally for prolonged effects.

Extract/Concentrates: Inhaled as smoke/vapor or in form of liquid tinctures.