Blue Dream

Lineage: Blue Dream x Blue Dream

Dominant Terpenes: β-Caryophyllene, α-Humulene, Linalool

Minor Terpenes: Limonene, β-Myrcene, Terpinolene, α-Pinene

Description: Blue Dream is a popular and potent cross between the ever popular classic strains Blueberry and Haze. Blue Dream is a slightly sativa-dominant strain shrouded in mystery. It is not just dreamy because of its stellar flavor — sweet berries — and buzzy, but because its history has essentially been wiped from the books with many believing its origins must be a dream. It first made a name for itself in the medical community, though no one knew who made it or where it came from outside of most speculating it was birthed in California.

This strain produces a balanced high, along with effects such as cerebral stimulation and full-body relaxation. It may help relieve symptoms of depression, chronic pain, and nausea.